Will You Help Me Research and Help Yourself at the Same Time? Help You and Me and Friends, Too.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ~Thomas Edison
Have you often made New Year's Resolutions or tried to start new habits at the beginning of the year, but ended up abandoning your efforts? Maybe it was too lonely, maybe you couldn't see any results, maybe you got bored... Whatever, the reason you certainly had motivation and good intentions when you started.
People often tell me that they would love to change their lifestyle or they would love to lose weight or they would love to get healthy. If you have ever been in a gym during January, you know most people think a gym membership is the way to health. I'm not saying a gym membership is bad, but I am saying that the food you put in your body is three or four times as important for your health as working out.
I would like to offer some help to you through teaching and coaching you about health. I would like for you to help me by being willing to measure your progress and do what I ask for six weeks. Did you know that prescription medications were the third leading cause of death in the US - right behind heart disease and cancer? They cause more deaths than automobile accidents!
What if you could lose some weight and start on a path towards health which might enable you to live a wholesome, healthy life without medication? Would you be interested?
Here are the requirements.
You must be able to attend 6 meetings - every Monday evening from 5:30 - 6:30.
You must be willing to keep a food journal of everything you eat and drink.
You must have blood tests done during Week I and again during Week 6 and share your results with me.
You must consent to a weekly weigh-in.
Benefits to you
Your test results will get better.
You may be able to get off some of your medications after checking with your physician.
You will lose some weight.
Your blood pressure will go down.
Benefits to me
I will get hard evidence that my teachings actually work and I can share your results (anonymously) with others.
I can help you get healthier and can prove it to you.
You will be required to pay for your blood tests ($300+$300=$600) and a workbook ($25).
MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2016 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Sign up, pay fees, learn requirements, weigh-in
MONDAY - FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 - 8, 2016 - Go to LabCorp for your first set of blood tests.
MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Go over your lab tests, health lecture, weigh-in
MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Health lecture and discussion, weigh-in
MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Health lecture and discussion, weigh-in
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2016 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Health lecture and discussion, weigh-in
MONDAY - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 - 5, 2016 - Go to LabCorp for your final set of blood tests.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2016 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Go over your lab tests, discuss your future plans, weigh-in
. We have been so trained in our culture that everyone of us will get one of the big diseases (heart disease, cancer, stroke or diabetes) as we age, that we don't even think to question that assumption. We just assume those people who do live long, healthy lives are lucky and we hope to be as lucky. But, what if you could find that "fountain of youth" for yourself? What if you could actually live a long and healthy life with some certainty? Wouldn't you want to?
You are the one person who is responsible for your health. You can't leave it to your doctor, or your spouse and you especially can't leave your health up to your kids. It all falls back on you and the decisions you make.
Come and learn how the lifestyle changes you make can change the course of your life. You will lose weight. You will have more energy. You will be able to get off of your medications. As an aside here, did you know that prescription drugs are a leading cause of death? And, you will still be alive and well when it's time for your next reunion!
This workshop is for healthy people who just want to learn how to fine tune their behaviors and it's for couch potatoes who need a big kick in the seat of the pants. Come join us in Neosho as I think you will have fun and be glad you came!
The workshop will be on Friday afternoon during the Weekend Workshop.
Melinda Coker, author of Diet and Cancer: Is There a Connection? and Coco's Healthy Cooking, is a health and weight-loss coach living in Tyler, Texas.
The workshop will be held in Tyler, TX.
Number of women participants will be limited.
Workshop tuition will be $29.00 per person.
Late Registration
If there is still room, tuition for late registration will be $39.
“You Are Never too Old to Find Your Purpose or Create Your Legacy"
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." ~Jackie Robinson
You want to know your purpose, i.e., why are you still here? As Jackie Robinson once famously said, "We are here for the impact we make on other lives." As you age, you may begin to wonder whether you still have a purpose or whether you are just marking time.
You may be feeling stuck. You may have retired and don't really want to go back to a full-time job, but you still want to feel inspired, passionate and excited about your life. You no longer want to be fulfilling obligations instead of chasing your dreams.
Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor, wrote in his book Man's Search for Meaning, that human beings want meaning. He learned that there are three things that give life meaning: first, a project; second, a significant relationship; and third, a redemptive view of suffering. "If people have a job to do, even in the midst of suffering, they have a reason to live another day," writes Frankl.
Barbara Sher, the godmother of living a fulfilling life writes, "You're ready to do your own thing and be your own person. You could take up a hobby, but in your heart you know you want far more than that. You want something new to learn, something that rings in your soul and makes you forget the time, something you could be brilliant at."
If you're ready to find your brilliance and your passion, come join me in Neosho and let's get started on finding your dream.
The workshop will be on Friday morning during the Weekend Workshop.
Melinda Coker, former Director of Career Services at Tyler Junior College. Melinda is a career counselor and a coach, who has developed numerous programs and workshops for college students (young people and older adults who were returning to school) on various job search skills. Her If Only I Knew What I Wanted to Do workshops were always the favorite and most well-attended of the semester.
The workshop will be in Tyler, TX.
Number of women participants will be limited.
Workshop tuition will be $29.00 per person.
Late Registration
If there is still room, tuition will go up to $39 per person.